Be the Teacher Your Students Need

…and the caring, creative teacher you want to be!

Confidently Integrate the Arts with Social-Emotional Learning


Calm Your Classroom

Ease Your Burnout

Make a Difference Every Day!


Students arrive to school with many social and emotional needs. Problem is, teachers lack the training it takes to help them. This leads to stressed out teachers who are on the brink of burn out.

The thing is, students deserve to get an education that is free of disruptions. And teachers should feel empowered to provide the safe, learning environment they long to teach in!


SEAL is the only method that empowers caring teachers, like YOU to

calm classroom behavior issues and ease teacher burnout

by embedding creative social-emotional strategies into your current content so that you can make a difference in your students’ lives every day!

Teachers are burnt out by disruptive classroom behaviors and the constant piling up of responsibilities. 

I get it!  I’m a teacher too!

I’ve spent the last 16 years empowering caring teachers with creative social-emotional strategies that proactively address these behaviors and ease teacher burnout through SEAL: Social-Emotional Artistic Learning. 

Let me share them with you!




elizabeth with t shirt

As seen in

Enroll in SEAL Teacher Academy!

SEAL Teacher Academy

45 Hours, Self-Paced, Online

The ultimate path to integrating creative social-emotional learning strategies that will transform your classroom, your students and your impact!

In this course, you will go from feeling the Daily Teacher Drain to feeling empowered and equipped with creative SEL strategies that help you make a difference in your students’ lives every day.

Clicking the button 👆 will bring you to a simple form to fill out so that we can send you more information!

How to Start with SEAL

1. Enroll in the SEAL Teacher Academy Course

music art

2. Learn Integrated Strategies

teach your students

3. Make a Difference Every Day!

Empower yourself to reach and teach your students through Social-Emotional Artistic Learning.  


Teachers are finding themselves exhausted, unfulfilled and uninspired in their classrooms.  Why?  It’s because students are coming to us with more social and emotional needs that we aren’t necessarily trained for.  


We are all struggling with this, and through the power of the arts, you can become empowered to reach and teach your students, making a difference every day.

It’s called SEAL.

Read more

SEAL takes the best of what arts integration is – allowing for more engaged and deep learning and integrates the various art forms into developing social and emotional skills.  


Just Imagine: 

  • Students become more self-aware as they meaningfully paint their breath and reflect on the techniques and colors that they used.
  • Students utilize music to help themselves to self-manage and get their work done.
  • Student build relationships when they participate in Friendly Fridays and create kind messages for their peers.
  • Students become more socially aware as they look at and examine examples of portraits and create narratives.

And this is just the beginning!


When you teach SEAL, you are helping your students to understand themselves better and find success within themselves.


You’re building relationships with your students through the arts, through SEAL.  


You are reaching your students in deeper ways so that you can teach them the content that is required of you.


And you are back in control of your classroom and able to effectively reach and teach your students.


Sounds good, doesn’t it?


We want you to find that passion for teaching again and I know you can reinspire yourself –

Let’s get you started with SEAL.

Are You interested in some FREE SEAL Tools?  Check these out!

6+ Strategies to connect with your students

Connect with Your Students

Feel like you don’t have time to connect with your students?  Now you can with these Quick Connection strategies that take under 5 minutes.  PLUS- 11 bonus connection strategies!

5 ways arts and sel

Discuss Emotions

Use this SEAL Tool to build self-awareness and talk about emotions.  Great for  SEL conversations throughout your curriculum!

5 ways arts and sel

Practice Scenarios

With these Situation Cards, you can practice identifying emotions, build responsible decision making skills and develop empathy!

If you’re a teacher who is ready to start teaching SEAL, be sure to sign up for my FREE online class!

Watch this quick video to learn what SEAL is all about!

Check out our library of posts containing information and tons of ideas for SEAL!

Who Is Your Starfish?

Who is your starfish?  I’ve been asked a few times about the starfish that appear behind me in videos and maybe you’ve noticed them too! There's meaning there and I can't wait to tell you more.The significance to these starfish actually have something to do with SEAL:...

Starfish in the Hospital

At the time, I had no idea that she was going to die. Spending those days with my dad going in and out of Boston watching over her as she lay in the ICU bed, I kept hoping and praying for a miracle, because, well, she deserved it. We spent hours a day going in,...

Soundtracking, Silent Reading & Building Stamina

Reading stamina has been the focus of my 4th grade class these last few days.  I have been working hard through the guidance of The Daily 5 to instruct my students in my expectations for them to read independently when I need to take small groups of students. Now...

3 Important things to Remember as You Teach from Home

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How Arts Can Help Improve Mental Health

Taking a painting class or visiting a museum can improve your health and transform your life. Now that we are in the middle of a pandemic, millions of people are turning to art to get opportunities for expression or find a creative outlet.  Attraction to art can also...

The Role Teachers Play in SEL

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Positive Self-Talk

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Meaningful Teacher Reflection

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